Retire Early
Want to retire early? Learn from those who have achieved financial freedom in their 20s, 30s 40s and 50s. It’s not easy, but there is a process to follow and we outline it across all our articles here.
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What are the 6 Types of Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE)?
I first heard about the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement in 2011. I’ll be honest; I kept it a secret from everyone, except my closest family and friends, until 2023.
In 2011, saying that you were going to retire early meant a couple of years before your private or state pension was accessible. To say we wanted to retire at 40 sounded exactly as you think…crazy. But here we are in 2023, and both my wife and I have retired in our very early 40s.
Here are the 6 types of financial independence you can achieve.
Want to retire early?
Ready to retire early and live life on your terms? Sign up for my newsletter today to receive weekly tips, advice, and strategies on achieving financial independence. Plus, get FREE access to my 10-Day Financial Freedom Mini Course where I’ll break down the exact steps you need to take to reach your retirement goals.
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What is financial independence retire early (FIRE)?
What if you never had to worry about money ever again? What would your life be like if work was optional. For a growing number of people across the world, this is their new reality.

What is a SIPP? Do I need one?

13 things to do before you retire early

The ultimate guide to personal finance planning
Financial Independence Retire Early Series

5 Myths About FIRE And Early Retirement
As someone who talks a disproportionate amount of time about the financial independence retire early movement, I’m often told “facts” by people who are questioning

What Is Coast Fire?
Today we are going to delve into the concept of “Coast FIRE”, the second stage on the path towards Financial Independence. If you want to

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The 6 Types of Financial Independence Retire Early
I first heard about the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement in 2011. I’ll be honest; I kept it a secret from everyone, except my

What is financial independence retire early (FIRE)?
What if you never had to worry about money ever again? What would your life be like if work was optional. For a growing number
Early Retirement FAQs
Financial independence retire early or FIRE is a movement of people who are choosing to forgo a 30 or 40-year working career, but saving and investing aggressively for early retirement. The underlying premise of the financial independence retire early movement is that retirement is not an age, but the number at which your investments and savings cover your expenses indefinitely.
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Helping you to retire early. 1 article at a time
From the moment you decide to retire early, I have no doubt, you’ve consumed every article, podcast, /r and any information you can get your hands on. It can be overwhelming, especially when the majority of content focuses outside of the UK. In our retire early category, we bring to life only the best articles we wish we had access to at every stage of our FIRE journey. Get lost amongst the knowledge as we hopefully we continue to inspire you along your journey. That’s our goal.