Make Money
Earning more is one of the fastest ways to achieve financial independence. Connor has helped launch and grow thousands of businesses during his career, so follow our tips and strategies to help you earn more money in your current employment or through starting a business or side hustle.
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10 Steps to become a millionaire
The goal to become a millionaire in the UK is an awesome achievement, but is it realistic? Well the good news I have for you is that, yes it is and no you don’t need a high paying job to achieve it.
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Popular Posts

10 top tips to build wealth in your 20s
To listen to the media, you may think that young people tend to disregard their financial future in favour of YOLO’ing their way through life. The opposite is often true, but with incomes stagnating, huge

Stop glamourising the 80 hour workweek

What job will make me a millionaire?

How to build a brand
Side Hustle Series

6 steps to starting a profitable side hustle
Starting a side hustle is one thing. Keeping it profitable is another entirely. Here’s how to do it.

How to achieve financial independence in 2023
If you were starting out on the path to financial independence, what would you do in 2023?

What is a Side Hustle? (Plus 94 Ideas for Making Extra Money)
A common misconception about side hustles is that they need to be a huge business when, in fact, the opposite is true. A side hustle,

How To Save £10K FAST
According to research by, 31% of us save less than £100 per month and nearly 26% of those surveyed have less than £1000 saved

How to start a business
Starting a business is one of the most rewarding ventures anyone can undertake. I firmly believe that anyone has the ability to start a business

Serviced Accommodation – The Ultimate Side Hustle
Recently I had the pleasure of chatting with Dave Cordner of Central Belfast Apartments and author of Short Term Rental Revolution. Dave knows more about
Making Money FAQs
The hardest part to starting a business is choosing what product or service to sell. To help you get started, we’ve created a list of 94 side hustles you can start at home in the evenings and at weekends. Many have the opportunity to grow into businesses that could replace your full-time income.
» MORE: How to start a side hustle
In the digital world we live in, making money online has never been easier. There are many ways to make money online and these include:
- Selling digital images or videos
- Dropshipping
- Providing a remote service
- Amazon FBA
- Kindle Desktop Publishing (KDP)
Building a brand isn’t just about creating a logo. Instead, a brand will include a series of factors that work collectively to strengthen your overall branding position. These are:
- Brand identity
- Language
- Colour choice
- Use of photography / illustrations
- Consistency of use
Regardless of what you might read online, there are very few ways to truly make passive income. However the closest to this is investing in stocks and shares. When you buy a companies stock or shares you do not need to do anything further. The value of the shares may increase as the business grows or you might obtain a dividend because of your investment.
It is possible to create a product once and sell it many times without much work. If for example you write a book, you can sell this via Amazon’s Kindle Desktop Publishing (KDP) service many times over without any additional work from you.
Getting a degree is not the only way to achieve a high paying job in the UK. Below are some well-paid careers you can work in
Sales representative: Many sales roles work on a commission basis and because of this can be extremely lucrative careers.
Trades (electrician, plumber, plasterer): While you don’t need a degree for many trades you will need formal qualifications for plumbing and electrician jobs. With a focus on your trade and building up experience you can command a wage comparable or in excess of other roles that require a university degree.
Software / Web Developer: Many web developers and software developers are self taught and rather than following the traditional route into university, they use that time to gain experience in their trade. Because of the nature of these careers, having experience and a body of work completed is often a huge benefit in gaining a high salary.
Commercial Pilot: Commercial pilots can earn a high income without the need for a degree, however they do need to obtain a commercial pilot’s licence and complete flight training before embarking on this career.
Starting a business can often seem like a daunting process and for those unprepared for entrepreneurship, it really can be. 90% of businesses fail writhing the first 3 years. They ultimately fail because they cannot generate enough profit to keep the business running.
To prepare yourself for running a full-time business, it might be a consideration to start a side hustle. Side hustles are often much lower risk and can be worked on in the evenings and weekends. With enough focus and effort, your side hustle income could become large enough to match or replace your salary.
Making money can be as easy or as complex as you make it. There are a number of mistakes, that if made will make the process all the more difficult. Here they are so you can plan accordingly.
- Not having a well thought out plan
- Expecting immediate success
- Not investing back into the business
- Taking unnecessary risks
- Hiring the wrong people
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