Every Article Ever!

How To Save £10K FAST
According to research by money.co.uk, 31% of us save less than £100 per month and nearly 26% of those surveyed have less than £1000 saved

How to save money for Christmas
It’s not my job to tell you how to spend your money. Well, it is, but really it isn’t. Yet, if I start the conversation

How to legally avoid inheritance tax
As I talk about money ….. a lot, people often ask me questions about hot topics. Interest rate rises, inflation and the cost of living

5 Myths About FIRE And Early Retirement
As someone who talks a disproportionate amount of time about the financial independence retire early movement, I’m often told “facts” by people who are questioning

4 Signs You’re Doing Well Financially | Even If It Doesn’t Feel Like It
I’ll be honest with you. Most of us, even many wealthy people I’ve spoken to, don’t think they’re doing well financially. No matter how big

9 “Normal” Money Habits Keeping You Poor
When I was growing up, the limit of my financial education was my parents telling me “To buy only things I can afford in cash”.

Serviced Accommodation – The Ultimate Side Hustle
Recently I had the pleasure of chatting with Dave Cordner of Central Belfast Apartments and author of Short Term Rental Revolution. Dave knows more about

5 Reasons To Retire As Soon As You Can
Early retirement is the dream of many around the world. You work hard, save and put your money to work for you over decades. You

What Is Coast Fire?
Today we are going to delve into the concept of “Coast FIRE”, the second stage on the path towards Financial Independence. If you want to

SSE Announces Almost Double Profits of £2.18bn
In my hand I have the press release from SSE, where they announced that profits have just about doubled this year from £1.16bn to £2.18bn.

The Apple Savings Account
Apple has recently announced their high-yield savings account, and it’s already shaking up the banking industry around the world. Is this the next evolution of

How To Budget Money Effectively
Whether you earn £10,000 or £100,000, understanding how to budget money effectively is crucial to your financial success. Budgeting will help you to stay on top of

How Much Do I Need to Retire? Bin the 4% Rule
How much do I need to retire is one of the most common searches for retirement. It’s a huge question and the short answer will

50/30/20 Rule: Budgeting Tips And Money-Saving Advice
Budgeting is the cornerstone of personal finance. You will hear this from me time and time again. It’s what will make you rich and keep

What No One Tells You About Early Retirement
Retiring early sounds great. You have no boss and with no job, you can fill the day however you want. If you plan to sit

How To Retire by 40 (How I Did It Starting At £0)
I spent the last 13 years of my life saving, investing, and building a business to grow my wealth to a level where I could

Property Investing – Interview With Lofty Property Investments
This week I had the pleasure of interviewing one of Northern Ireland’s leading property investors Martin Mcauley of Lofty Property Investments. For the eagle-eyed amongst

What is Lean FIRE?
Lean FIRE is often the most common mental image conjured up when people think about financial independence. It is also the most misunderstood, with some

Want to grow your business? Build your email list
Creating and building an email list of your customers, prospects and others interested in your business is often overlooked. But it can provide some of

Listen to me on the Strive to FI podcast
Recently I was invited onto the Strive to FI podcast and I jumped at the chance. Joseph the podcast host was one of the very

Nectar Card Changes: Introducing Nectar Prices
Sainsbury’s has just announced changes to their Nectar loyalty programme. And for the eagle-eyed shoppers among us, their new scheme looks somewhat similar to the

Pros and Cons of Equity Release – Is it right for you?
I rarely watch daytime TV, but as the Easter break is upon us, I sat and watch a few episodes of “A Place in the

The 6 Types of Financial Independence Retire Early
I first heard about the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement in 2011. I’ll be honest; I kept it a secret from everyone, except my

What are the current Tesco gin offers?
Love gin? Love a great deal? Then let us show you all the current Tesco gin offers in one place!

What are the current Tesco Whisky offers?
I once offered an Irish whiskey drinker a Scotch whisky. I don’t have to type another word for you to know how the rest of the story went.

What is a Side Hustle? (Plus 94 Ideas for Making Extra Money)
A common misconception about side hustles is that they need to be a huge business when, in fact, the opposite is true. A side hustle,

What are the Lidl offers this week?
Before I get into this article, I have to point out that it is indeed NOT sponsored by Lidl. However, as a Lidl shopper and

McDonald’s Monopoly 2023
McDonald’s Monopoly 2023 and Winning Sips Competition – Update April 2023 If you’re eagerly awaiting the launch of McDonald’s Monopoly 2023 then we’ll be updating

What is benefit in kind?
Benefit in kind or BIK as it’s also known, refers to any benefits that an employee or director receives from their company, in addition to

What are Junior ISAs and Junior SIPPs?
I eagerly anticipated the birth of my daughter for two reasons. The first was of course to finally meet her and welcome her into this
Congratulations, you’ve made it! Foundered is a personal finance site, focusing achieving financial independence. Across the financial categories we’ll be creating content around the topics of earning money, saving money, investing and retiring early. We don’t have all the answers, but we’re committed to continuously learning and developing our own knowledge as the site grows.
A huge focus for the site, will be sharing this knowledge through a series of content across our email newsletters and webinar platforms. To keep up to date with our latest courses, please sign up to our newsletter at the bottom of this page or follow us on our social channels.
Outside of personal finance, we also promote our Living Well series of articles to help people like you achieve and live a more fulfilling life. We’re always open to suggestions on our content and topics to cover, so please feel free to reach out to us on our socials.
Thanks for reading and we hope you enjoy our content!