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A few weeks back I announced my retirement from retirement or my unretirement as someone else called it. Unashamedly, I’m back working. Maybe we’ll just

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Personal Finance

Is this pension propaganda?

It’s a big week for retirement chat and this morning the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) announced updates in their research as to what

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Payday Routine

For most people Friday is payday. You might be going out for drinks or finally checking out that Asos cart that’s been sitting ready since

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what is a sinking fund
Save Money

What Is A Sinking Fund?

I’ll be honest with you. I didn’t know what a sinking fund was until last year. The term sinking fund was something I’d never heard

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Money Prep sunday
Personal Finance

Money Prep Sunday

You may have heard of Meal Prep Sundays. Either from people who are avid health and fitness fans or those budget-conscious people looking to minimise

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Congratulations, you’ve made it! Foundered is a personal finance site, focusing achieving financial independence. Across the financial categories we’ll be creating content around the topics of earning money, saving money, investing and retiring early. We don’t have all the answers, but we’re committed to continuously learning and developing our own knowledge as the site grows.

A huge focus for the site, will be sharing this knowledge through a series of content across our email newsletters and webinar platforms. To keep up to date with our latest courses, please sign up to our newsletter at the bottom of this page or follow us on our social channels. 

Outside of personal finance, we also promote our Living Well series of articles to help people like you achieve and live a more fulfilling life. We’re always open to suggestions on our content and topics to cover, so please feel free to reach out to us on our socials.

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