Every Article Ever!

10 top tips to build wealth in your 20s
To listen to the media, you may think that young people tend to disregard their financial future in favour of YOLO’ing their way through life.

What is a SIPP? Do I need one?
A SIPP (Self Invested Personal Pension) allows you to save and invest in a diverse variety of investment options, with the aim of creating greater wealth when you retire.

The ultimate guide to personal finance planning
Life is not a dress rehearsal. For better or worse, it also revolves around money. As we progress through the decades, personal finance planning becomes

How to pay off debt
Many of my readers are looking to pay off debt on their path towards financial independence. I know this, because you’ve told me so. While

4 great ways to invest for your child’s future
I firmly believe that bringing a child into this world and helping them grow into adulthood is the single greatest achievement we can have as

5 great ways to start saving for Christmas
Money is a touchy subject for many, but it shouldn’t be. Normalise talking about it and you’ll become wealthier for doing so. To start, long

Stop glamourising the 80 hour workweek
I have been described as a workaholic over the years. Regularly completing 80 hour workweeks, I’d post pictures of myself in the office at 11pm.

What Do I Do With My p45 When I Retire Early?
So you’re retiring early and amongst the other life admin activities you must complete, dealing with the taxman is up there with the most important!

7 great reasons you should start a business in a recession
Starting a business anytime is daunting. But to start a business in a recession, adds a new level of complexity to the mix. Often this

How to invest 1000 pounds a month – 5 amazing strategies
If you’re new to the world of investing, it can be daunting at first. You’ve saved hard and now you want to invest. Actually, let’s

94 amazing side hustle ideas in the UK
The idea of a side hustle is quite American in its nature, but more commonly here in the UK and Ireland, side hustles or additional

What is financial independence retire early (FIRE)?
What if you never had to worry about money ever again? What would your life be like if work was optional. For a growing number

Is a four-day working week a good thing?
Work is high on the list of those things changed forever by the pandemic. Remote working leapt into the foray and this brought unique challenges

When can I retire? Is there a perfect retirement age?
On your journey towards financial independence, you’ll likely be asking yourself “When can I retire?”. For those considering an early retirement, it is important to

How to build a brand
Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room. Jeff Bezos Tweet Starting a business is one of the most

Saving on your bills – The intelligent 2022 edition
2022 is a year that will be remembered for many reasons. Unfortunately a many of these won’t be positive. The pandemic lingers on, inflation is

How much money should you have saved by age
Theodore Roosevelt is quoted as saying that Comparison is the Thief of Joy. Comparing ourselves to others is often an unpleasant pursuit. There will always be

The benefits of compound interest
Attributed as the 8th Wonder of the World by Einstein, Compound Interest can be our number 1 ally in the quest for financial independence. The

How to retire early in your 40s
What is Early Retirement? Define Early! In answering this ‘retire early’ question we should give consideration to what retirement means and further what constitutes as

Welcome to foundered
This website is focused on business, money and personal development. It is targeted at people like you, ambitious entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals looking to
Congratulations, you’ve made it! Foundered is a personal finance site, focusing achieving financial independence. Across the financial categories we’ll be creating content around the topics of earning money, saving money, investing and retiring early. We don’t have all the answers, but we’re committed to continuously learning and developing our own knowledge as the site grows.
A huge focus for the site, will be sharing this knowledge through a series of content across our email newsletters and webinar platforms. To keep up to date with our latest courses, please sign up to our newsletter at the bottom of this page or follow us on our social channels.
Outside of personal finance, we also promote our Living Well series of articles to help people like you achieve and live a more fulfilling life. We’re always open to suggestions on our content and topics to cover, so please feel free to reach out to us on our socials.
Thanks for reading and we hope you enjoy our content!