Every Article Ever!

Cheaper holiday parking at Belfast International
Like many savvy travellers across the province, you’ve worked to get the best value for your holidays. The flights are booked well in advance and

A few weeks back I announced my retirement from retirement or my unretirement as someone else called it. Unashamedly, I’m back working. Maybe we’ll just

How to save for your first home
Deciding to buy your first home is exciting. Saving the deposit less so. The cost of buying a property has risen, and the cost of

You’re not bad with money
Each of us has some level of limiting beliefs. That’s normal. And of course, many of these are based on truths or facts. There are

Save the Date: How to Start a Business
Before I started my own business, the largest salary I ever earned was £20,000. I was not a high earner. And this could have been

Is this pension propaganda?
It’s a big week for retirement chat and this morning the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) announced updates in their research as to what

Will The Retirement Age in the UK Increase?
Research announced this week stated that the retirement age for middle-aged workers which is anyone born after April 1970 may have to rise until age

Why you’ll never be able to retire
We’ve been sold a dream that in our golden years we’ll be roaming around Tenerife drinking pina coladas, playing bingo and generally enjoying the spoils

The Truth About Early Retirement – 1 Year In
On the 30th of November last year, I left the working world behind and started a new phase of my life. It took 13 years

Who is the Cheapest Electricity Supplier in NI?
You’ve probably seen the headlines this week about electricity prices coming down and I’ll agree that’s a good thing for all of us. But have

Payday Routine
For most people Friday is payday. You might be going out for drinks or finally checking out that Asos cart that’s been sitting ready since

Why savings rate matters most if you want to retire early?
Putting money away for your future often feels like deprivation. Most of us want to enjoy our hard-earned money right this second. Why shouldn’t you?

Budgeting For Your First Child
How would someone best approach budgeting for a new child or their first child? Is there anything in terms of savings in advance before the

Types of Savings Accounts In The UK: A Comprehensive Guide
As someone looking to build wealth, setting a household budget is the first step to making headroom between your income and your salary. When we

How to Prepare Your Home For Winter
September is almost gone and by this stage, many of us are starting to think about the cold weather. It’s time to prepare your home

Free Investing Class For Beginners
I started foundered last year to help people better understand money and to build wealth. I always said that if I can help one person

Overemployed – Modern Day Robinhoods?
Recently I’ve become fascinated with a trend called overemployed. Now that might be a new term for you, but I promise it had me trawling

10 Top Money Quotes To Inspire You
I love storytelling and the more I write about money, the more I use stories to illustrate the points I’m trying to convey. I draw

What Is A Sinking Fund?
I’ll be honest with you. I didn’t know what a sinking fund was until last year. The term sinking fund was something I’d never heard

Debt Snowball vs. Debt Avalanche | Which is Better?
The debt avalanche method and the debt snowball method are two of the most popular strategies used to pay down debt. When it comes to

The Debt Snowball Method To Pay Off Debt
You might have heard of debts snowballing out of control, and this happens for many reasons. But by using the debt snowball method, you can

The Debt Avalanche Method – Pay Debt Off Fast
The burden of debt can be crippling, and I applaud anyone who is in the process of repaying it. Whether you owe a little or

The Ultimate Payday Checklist
It’s the last Friday of the month and for a lot of us in employment, it’s payday. Often payday is a time to enjoy the

Money Rules For Graduates
In this article I’m sharing the 6 money rules for graduates, I wish someone sat me down and told me. I might not have listened,

Northern Ireland Property Market
If you’re like me, you might flick through the PropertyPal website viewing dream homes, slightly outside of your budget, dreaming about the day you might

Save £25 On Activities In Northern Ireland With National Lottery Days Out
“Stay at home they said. Sure we’ll save a few quid. And surely the weather will be decent. We’ll do a few day trips to

Money Prep Sunday
You may have heard of Meal Prep Sundays. Either from people who are avid health and fitness fans or those budget-conscious people looking to minimise

5 Money Tips For Your 20s & 30s
Most of us don’t learn about personal finance in school. And many of us aren’t taught significant or positive money lessons from our parents. Often

How to support your friend’s business
Starting a business can be the most rewarding things anyone can do. But it’s also one of the most challenging and with around 20% of

5 Top Personal Finance Books
Investing in yourself often has the highest return of any investment you can make. And this is true whether you are in your 40s or
Congratulations, you’ve made it! Foundered is a personal finance site, focusing achieving financial independence. Across the financial categories we’ll be creating content around the topics of earning money, saving money, investing and retiring early. We don’t have all the answers, but we’re committed to continuously learning and developing our own knowledge as the site grows.
A huge focus for the site, will be sharing this knowledge through a series of content across our email newsletters and webinar platforms. To keep up to date with our latest courses, please sign up to our newsletter at the bottom of this page or follow us on our social channels.
Outside of personal finance, we also promote our Living Well series of articles to help people like you achieve and live a more fulfilling life. We’re always open to suggestions on our content and topics to cover, so please feel free to reach out to us on our socials.
Thanks for reading and we hope you enjoy our content!