Why savings rate matters most if you want to retire early?

Putting money away for your future often feels like deprivation. Most of us want to enjoy our hard-earned money right this second. Why shouldn’t you? You’ve worked hard and deserve it. Well if you want to retire early or indeed one day, you might need to drastically reconsider your saving and investing plans. I recently […]
How Much Do I Need to Retire? Bin the 4% Rule

How much do I need to retire is one of the most common searches for retirement. It’s a huge question and the short answer will always be “it depends”. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question as what works for you, will not be suitable for someone else. There are many factors within our […]
The 6 Types of Financial Independence Retire Early

I first heard about the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement in 2011. I’ll be honest; I kept it a secret from everyone, except my closest family and friends, until 2023. In 2011, saying that you were going to retire early meant a couple of years before your private or state pension was accessible. To […]