Live Well
Don’t take life too seriously, no one gets out alive! Here we cover the other side of financial independence. Lifestyle, health, travel, sport and luxury purchases.
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Cheaper holiday parking at Belfast International
Like many savvy travellers across the province, you’ve worked to get the best value for your holidays. The flights are booked well in advance and

A few weeks back I announced my retirement from retirement or my unretirement as someone else called it. Unashamedly, I’m back working. Maybe we’ll just

How to save for your first home
Deciding to buy your first home is exciting. Saving the deposit less so. The cost of buying a property has risen, and the cost of

You’re not bad with money
Each of us has some level of limiting beliefs. That’s normal. And of course, many of these are based on truths or facts. There are

Save the Date: How to Start a Business
Before I started my own business, the largest salary I ever earned was £20,000. I was not a high earner. And this could have been

Is this pension propaganda?
It’s a big week for retirement chat and this morning the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) announced updates in their research as to what

Will The Retirement Age in the UK Increase?
Research announced this week stated that the retirement age for middle-aged workers which is anyone born after April 1970 may have to rise until age

Why you’ll never be able to retire
We’ve been sold a dream that in our golden years we’ll be roaming around Tenerife drinking pina coladas, playing bingo and generally enjoying the spoils

The Truth About Early Retirement – 1 Year In
On the 30th of November last year, I left the working world behind and started a new phase of my life. It took 13 years
Live your best life
Enjoying the journey towards financial independence is equally important to the goal. In our Live Well articles, we aim to provide a broad spectrum of topics that will help you live a more fulfilling life in body and mind. We’ll also write about the lesser covered topic of spending. Focusing on frugality doesn’t mean being cheap, but rather spending on those things that are important to you. Want a ski trip to the Alps? A luxury watch? If it fits your budget, go for it!
For many financial independence provides an opportunity to refocus on the areas you’ve neglected over the past years and decades. Health and fitness will be a huge focus