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Want to understand investing from the ground up? We provide real world education and coaching for news investors looking to achieve financial freedom.

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The benefits of compound interest

The benefits of compound interest

Attributed as the 8th Wonder of the World by Einstein, Compound Interest can be our number 1 ally in the quest for financial independence. The analogy of a snowball rolling down a mountain could never

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Investing FAQs

Index funds are investment funds that follow a benchmark index, such as the FTSE 100. An index fund aims to track the returns of a designated stock market index rather than beat it.

A SIPP (Self Invested Personal Pension) allows you to save and invest in a diverse variety of investment options, with the aim of creating greater wealth when you retire.

Find out more about SIPPs by visiting our “What is a SIPP?” Guide

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A few weeks back I announced my retirement from retirement or my unretirement as someone else called it. Unashamedly, I’m back working. Maybe we’ll just

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Payday Routine

For most people Friday is payday. You might be going out for drinks or finally checking out that Asos cart that’s been sitting ready since

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what is lean fire financial independence retire early

What is Lean FIRE?

Lean FIRE is often the most common mental image conjured up when people think about financial independence. It is also the most misunderstood, with some

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investing sucks

Investing sucks

I was recently asked to post on another personal finance site with my top money tips. Many of the other contributors focused on saving money

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Investing for beginners

Whether you are looking to invest for the first time, or are a seasoned investor, we aim to cover a broad range of topics to educate and build your knowledge of the process. There will be plenty of learnings and explanations we wish we’d known when starting out including where to buy and how to determine your own risk levels.

We always make best endeavours to include accurate information at the time of writing, but as time progresses this may change from whats written, or we may just be incorrect (it happens). Please always do your own research when choosing to learn how to invest. We do not provide any specific investment advice and so encourage you to seek independent financial advice if you are unsure what to invest in or how to invest.