5 Money Tips For Your 20s & 30s

Most of us don’t learn about personal finance in school. And many of us aren’t taught significant or positive money lessons from our parents. Often we follow a similar path, doing similar things the way they did. But don’t get me wrong, it’s not their fault. Nor is it yours. That’s just the way things […]
4 Signs You’re Doing Well Financially | Even If It Doesn’t Feel Like It

I’ll be honest with you. Most of us, even many wealthy people I’ve spoken to, don’t think they’re doing well financially. No matter how big their income is, or how much money they’ve made, many believe they are anything but financially well off. You probably have these thoughts too and they get worse when you […]
How To Retire by 40 (How I Did It Starting At £0)

I spent the last 13 years of my life saving, investing, and building a business to grow my wealth to a level where I could retire early one day. I did it, and I was able to retire by 40. It was one of the hardest tasks I’ve ever accomplished, but should we expect something […]
What is an ISA? – Individual Savings Account

An Individual Savings Account or as it is commonly abbreviated to “ISA”, is a type of tax-advantaged savings and investment account available to residents of the United Kingdom. ISAs were introduced by the UK government in 1999 to encourage saving and investing among individuals. The main advantage of an ISA is that any interest, dividends, […]
Investing sucks

I was recently asked to post on another personal finance site with my top money tips. Many of the other contributors focused on saving money or opportunities to earn more money through entrepreneurship. These are topics I cover extensively here on my site, so I wanted to think a little bit outside of the box. […]
How much I should save in cash versus investing?

One of the most popular questions I am asked is how much I should save in cash versus investing. You should always save the following in cash: Then any extra money you have should be put towards your investments. My approach to saving versus investing I take the view that any saving and investing should […]