The Energy Bills Support Scheme begins its rollout this month and the electricity suppliers of Northern Ireland have been tasked with the distribution of the payment to every eligible household in the country. The Energy Bills Support Scheme and Alternative Fuels Payment Northern Ireland (EBSS AFP NI) delivers a combined payment of £400 EBSS support and £200 AFP to domestic electricity customers in Northern Ireland.
Update 16th January 2023: Electricity customers across Northern Ireland are reporting that they are starting to receive their posted energy vouchers. This doesn’t seem to be blanket delivery, but great news that they are on their way.

How quickly will the Energy Payment be sent?
As part of the advice to Electricity Suppliers, they must hold the funds for as little time as possible. There is also additional paperwork to be completed for any undelivered or unused vouchers. It is in their interest to ensure you get your entitled payment. The method for receiving your Energy Payment will depend on how you pay for your electricity.
Direct Debit Customers
For those customers who are registered for Direct Debit payments at 08:00 2 January 2023, the £600 energy payment will be transferred as soon as reasonably possible to the bank account associated with the direct debit. No further action will be needed.
Pay as you go (Prepayment) and Standard Credit Customers
Those customers who pay for their electricity via a prepayment meter or who pay for their electricity on receipt of their bill will receive a secure voucher addressed to the account holder. The electricity suppliers are aiming to begin delivery of the vouchers to eligible customers within 11 days of the funds being received by the Government.
An estimation of the delivery date is mid-end January 2023.
Electricity suppliers will be prioritising vulnerable customers on their Care Registers and distributing their vouchers first.
Vouchers should be valid on the date the voucher is issued, with an expiry date of 31 March 2023 at the latest. Any voucher issued after 31 March 2023 must have an expiry of 23:59 on 30 June 2023. In all cases, payments provided must be redeemed by the scheme closing date of 30 June 2023 as no payments can be made after this date.
How to redeem your £600 energy payment (EBSS AFP NI) voucher
Vouchers will be sent to the household associated with their electricity supply. Along with the voucher, your electricity supplier will send instructions relating to its redemption. Details are subject to change, so please double-check once you receive your voucher.
The letter should contain information on
- How to redeem the EBSS AFP NI voucher
- The ID requirements for redemption
- Information, including links, on where to find a suitable location to redeem their voucher.
Where to redeem the EBSS AFP NI voucher
The primary payment voucher issuer will be Post offices in Northern Ireland.
The ID requirements for redemption
To redeem an EBSS AFP NI voucher for cash, customers must present a form of photo ID, alongside the requirements listed below.
Acceptable forms of Photo ID are listed below:
- Valid passport
- Valid UK or EU/EEA photo driving licence
- Armed forces ID or Police Warrant Card
- NI Electoral Identity Card
- Translink SmartPass (Senior/60+/War Disabled/Blind Person’s)
- Asylum ID card
If a customer or individual collecting on behalf of the customer does not have photo ID, they will not be able to redeem the voucher for cash. Instead, the customer or individual will need to use a bank card and deposit.
Acceptable forms of proof of address include utility bills, letters from government departments (UK Government of NI Departments) or Bank, Building Society or Credit Union statement or passbook dated within the last three months.
Identification Requirements for Voucher Redemption
Pre-payment/ Keypad meter customers
Bank payment for vouchers addressed to “the occupier”
- Voucher showing KPRN and address
- App or top card showing KPRN
- Proof of address dated before the Qualifying Date (2 January 2023) with name and KPRN linked address
- Bank Card with name matching the proof of address
Cash payment or loaded debit card for vouchers addressed to “the occupier”
- Voucher showing KPRN and address
- App or top up card showing KPRN
- Proof of address dated before the Qualifying Date (2 January 2023) with name and KPRN linked address
- Photo ID in the name matching the proof of address
On behalf of another individual – Bank payment for vouchers addressed to “the occupier”
- Voucher showing KPRN and address
- App or top card showing KPRN
- Proof of address dated before the Qualifying Date (2 January 2023) with name and address
- Bank card or bank statement of the recipient with details matching the proof of address
- Signed letter of authorisation from the recipient, naming the person collecting on their behalf
- Photo ID of person presenting the voucher
On behalf of another individual – Cash payment or loaded debit card for vouchers addressed to “the occupier”
- Voucher showing KPRN and address
- App or top up card showing
- KPRN Proof of address dated before the Qualifying Date (2 January 2023) with name and address Photo ID and signature of recipient with details matching the proof of address (could be 2 separate documents)
- Signed letter of authorisation from the recipient, naming the person collecting on their behalf.
- Photo ID of person presenting the voucher
Standard Credit Customers
Bank payment for named vouchers
- Voucher showing customer name and address
- Proof of address dated before the Qualifying Date (2 January 2023) with name and voucher linked address
- Bank Card with name matching the proof of address
Cash payment or loaded debit card for named vouchers
- Voucher showing customer name and address
- Proof of address dated before the Qualifying Date (2 January 2023) with name and voucher linked address
- Photo ID in the name matching the proof of address
On behalf of another individual – Bank payment for named vouchers
- Voucher showing customer name and address
- Proof of address dated before the Qualifying Date (2 January 2023) with name and address
- Bank card or bank statement of the recipient with details matching the proof of address
- Signed letter of authorisation from the recipient, naming the person collecting on their behalf
- Photo ID of person presenting the voucher
On behalf of another individual – Bank payment for named vouchers
- Voucher showing customer name and address
- Proof of address dated before the Qualifying Date (2 January 2023) with name and address
- Photo ID and signature of recipient with details matching the proof of address (could be 2 separate documents)
- Signed letter of authorisation from the recipient, naming the person collecting on their behalf.
- Photo ID of person presenting the voucher
Will the energy payment be used for any outstanding electricity bills?
Our understanding is that the energy payment is independent of any electricity bills you have outstanding with your supplier. The £600 should be paid in full via direct debit or voucher. If you are struggling to pay your energy bills, it is always advisable to speak to your energy supplier, or if you want free independent advice you could connect with Advice NI.